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The foundations of SBP

Today there are more than 80 high school students enrolled in Skills Training under the apt leadership of Children’s Cup Missionary Carol Leair.

These students are earning money with the products they make—selling enough to help pay for a bit of their education. But more than that, they are learning lifelong skills that will transform their opportunities in the future.

We spent time training future Swaziland leaders with business skills and basic life skills such as jewelry making, computer skills, welding, working as a cashier, waitress or server, and more. 

Our input and experience was used to make this trip a success. Our team also spent time with the Skill Trainers at the CarePoints and hosted Train-the-Trainer sessions to better equip them to teach the teenagers a skill they can use to pay for their high school fees and eventually support themselves after graduation.

Though not yet an official orginization, this was one of the first trips to eSwatini for the founders of SBP. These first few trips are what inspired the formation of the orginization. The relationships formed and lessons learned in those early days have made our orginization what it is today.

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